Tuesday 17 July 2012

Whitecaps Volunteer Mid-Season Social Go-Karting

The Vancouver Whitecaps wanted to show their volunteers how much they appreciated them ans so they came up with a nice evening for everyone at the Richmond Go-Karts for some fun.  The evening included two rounds of racing for 10 mins on the track each, dinner, prizes and awards!  Of course, my being a Team Leader had to pick two people from my Club Ambassador team to be selected for an award and prize.  My two people were Peter Shen and Margo Slater.  Both fantastic and phenomenal people to work with.

I got there at six o'clock like some other people but there was enough of us to go in large groups before everyone else got there.  So, I made the height restriction, thank god, and managed to find the "extra small" helmet.  I thought it might fit but my head was still too small as I later found out on the track.  It was my first time on the track.  Actually, there were quite a few go-kart virgins there.  But we all did it together.  I ended up in the grandma speed special.  I had my foot down on the pedal but it only went one speed.  Slow.  So I stayed in the right lane and let others pass me by.  Everytime I went around that last hairpin turn, my helmet would fall to the side cause it was so bumpy there.  I'd have to strap it back on.  Although it was fun, I didn't go back out there again.   

So, once we all got off the track, we decided to have dinner.  I had a salmon burger with fries.  Icecream was for later.  

This is Paul.  He's enjoying his yummy burger!  He worked with me during the CONCACAF Womens Soccer Tournament earlier this year.  If you go Whitecaps games, you'll see him inside the bowl with usually very huge earphones on.  He does something...I just can't remember what..lol.  If you see him, say hi!

These guys are the Ball Managers.  They work with the kids that handle the soccer balls back to players.  You might see them on the pitch.  They were in line getting ready to race when I accosted them for a pic!  Nice guys!

These people had to wait in line for their turn.  They wait and watch as their fellow volunteers are on the track.

Alana Stewart.  The Field Safety Officer and kick ass person all around.  Of course me going my grandma speed she couldn't help but to laugh at me and nudge me on the track.  Crazy lady!

Paul making sure he's of the right height.  Looks like he passed. :)

Ashley, my fellow Team Leader for Club Hosts, giving me the thumbs up!  She's good to go!

Once we settled down a bit, we got down to business and it was time to give out awards and prizes to our cherished volunteers.  Each one of us Team Leaders went up and presented an award and our fearless Manager, Lindsay, handed out the prize.  It was the long sleeve white jersey.

Here is Ato, picking up his Jersey before he left.  Looks great!  Ato works on the pitch.  Say hi to Ato if you see him!

I believe this was our fearless leader signing the bill for all of our food purchases.  She went for a spin on the track.  Our other fealess leader, Lisa, wasn't feeling well.  But she was there.  Too bad you can't see her face...she's sitting on left of Ashley.

In a nutshell, it was a great time had by all and we had a great big group pic taken around this young lady here.  For those volunteers reading this, you'll be able to spot her in between some heads in the back row of the group shot. :)

Until next post!  LA Galaxy are in town and David Beckham is already in the city!  I guess he still has tonight to roll off his bed and hurt his toe so he can't play...lol.  Just kidding!  It will be busy tomorrow but I'm sure I'll be able to get some shots in.  Til tomorrow!

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