Sunday 2 October 2011

Welcome to Bell Pitch Downtown

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So today was the Whitecaps turn to have their first game inside BC Place.  The Whitecaps revealed the new soccer specific roof which comes down to cover the 4th level which isn't being used (as seen in the above pic).  We were close to a sellout with  just over 21,000 fans.  Compared to Friday night's football game of 50,213, there were no long beer lineups and there were plenty of hot dogs to be eaten.  It went pretty smoothly.  My volunteer partner and I were positioned in the Season Ticket Holder entrance at Gate A.  This suited us fine as we used to be the Ushers at Swangard Stadium and had known many of our members.  It was wonderful to see them again after being at Empire Stadium since April. It felt like our family was reunited again.

Bob Lenarduzzi and some officials were outside the Gate before doors opened for the Official Opening of BC Place for Whitecaps.  Once this was done, the fans were let in and were free to look around and get familiar with the Stadium.  Overall, everyone seemed to like it.  The roof was also opened this morning as the sun was out and shining bright. You can see in the pic below that the roof material gathers into the middle area when its open.

This is a view from the 4th level between the second roof panels.

Here's another look at the roofing panels.

The Portland Timbers won this match 1-0.  They had a legion of fans in one corner of the bowl where they were dressed in green and dancing in rhythm and chanting in tune.  Our Southsiders were barely fact, I never saw them cheer.  It was very unusual.  Oh well....we may have lost another one but the atmosphere and love of soccer is what brings the fans to the matches.  No complaints like Friday and everyone left home in a good mood even though we lost.  Gotta love soccer.

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